The baptism on Saturday was really good, very spiritual. It’s always a great feeling to know the person that is getting baptized is really a convert. One of the problems here in Brazil is that people are very whimmy. So they get baptized and then they go inactive. It’s sad really...but when you have that convert, that really is converted, it’s great. Maria Leia, 6 months ago she didn’t want to know anything about the church. She was even a little reluctant to sign the baptismal record of her son. Then just look what happened Saturday –baptism!
It’s funny we were talking to her the other day and she told us that her favorite part of church is Relief Society, the union of the sisters in the branch. This is the blessing of the organizations in the church...this is why we have them! To build’s a great blessing!
Yeah transfers happened...4 weeks ago...I thought I told you guys I switched companions! Weird...anyway Elder Trindade is from Bethlehem (in Portuguese Belem) a city at the mouth of the Amazon...he’s pretty good I guess...
The stuff in the package is great the only thing I Ho-Ho’s and scripture markers...and muffin mixes too...I’ll look if I have other stuff...and get back to you.
Anyway…the work is going really good.
I don’t know what you can say to the missionaries...don’t tell them I got a baptism Saturday...It’ll sound braggy!! Tell them that I’m doing great and loving the work. Missing cars and air conditioning and sun that doesn’t bake my brain. Tell them that we had Elder Amato talk to us and that he said something I really liked...baptism comes as a result of obedience. This is what I have learned, and applying it has been tons of fun! A challenge to be more obedient than my companion is really fun. Unless your companion is a slacker...but even them be more obedient than you...I really don’t know...the mission is just a lot of fun! (My Relief Society Presidency are feeding the Elders in our Zone for Zone Conference this week and President Cannon always asks me to give a little report on Jed.)
But that’s my week...
With pictures...baptism...Me and Elder Trindade...
Anyway love you all,
Elder Jed Breinholt